
The Ultimate El Paso Relocation Guide: Tips for Packing, Moving, and Finding Your Home Sweet Home

We’re going to come out and say it; moving is hard. Does this mean you should turn down the job of your dreams because it’s in another city or stay in a house that makes you miserable? Of course not! There are many ways you can make your transition into a new home go more smoothly. These tips can help you do just that.

Tip #1: Plan in Advance

Sure, this one is a bit more obvious than the others, but planning in advance can save you headaches later on down the road, yet so many people wait until the last minute to plan and pack. Sure, there are many instances where the move is sudden but if you are planning to move in the next couple of months, you’ve got the time to plan it all out in advance. Some things you can do before madness ensues include:
  • Clean Out Your Closets- You’ve been meaning to do it for some time now, as we all have, but cleaning out your closets before packing to move can really give you some peace of mind. If you have items in your closet you haven’t used or worn in over a year, it may be time to say goodbye. While it’s your choice what you want to keep and get rid of, this is a good time to set aside items to donate or sell at a garage sale.
  • Get a Storage Unit- Renting out a storage unit can help you pack things you don’t use regularly, such as Christmas decorations and camping gear, so it doesn’t get in the way while you are moving. It’s also a good idea to get a storage unit if you have to live in an apartment or hotel in between moving from one home to another.
  • Start Packing Early- There are many things in your home that you can easily pack and store in advance before moving. It’s advised to never wait until the last minute to pack.
  • Take Care of the Technical Stuff- Be sure to fill out change of address forms, notify the post office, and update your information with your cell phone, cable, and internet providers. Also, you will want to rekey both your old home and your new home so no one has the keys.

Tip #2: Packing Hacks

You don’t realize how much stuff you actually have until you have to pack it all. These hacks can help make hauling your stuff to your new home easier:
  • Leave your clothes on hangers and place bundles of them in garbage bags. This way, you can transport and unpack them easily.
  • Use suitcases to move heavier objects, so you can easily roll them around.
  • Label boxes both on the top and on the side. That way, if they’re stacked inside a moving truck, you can see what’s what.
  • Wrap bottles in plastic wrap and store them in plastic bags to avoid messy spills.
  • Store sharp knives in oven mitts for easy and safe removal.
  • Use rubber bands to keep pots and lids together and from breaking.
  • These packing hacks can help make moving into your new home a breeze!

Tip #3: Prepare for Moving Day

Ah, moving day. While an exciting time, moving day can actually be rather stressful. A few things you can do to ease your nerves and ensure the day goes well include packing everything in advance, keeping your valuables on you or in your personal vehicle if you are hiring movers or renting a moving truck, and plan out your meals. Many times, people forget to eat when moving, leading to increased stress levels. This way, you don’t have to worry about losing your valuables and not knowing what to do for food.

We also advise you to empty your refrigerator and pantry in advance, consuming or disposing of perishables. If you do, you won’t have to worry about time constraints or worry about your food going bad. Be sure to reserve a moving truck in advance if you need one and make arrangements to have help loading and unloading large and heavy objects. It’s a good idea to defrost your fridge (if you’re taking it with you) a few days in advance and lastly, use a rubber band to keep your door unlocked on moving day so you don’t accidentally get locked out.

Tip #4: Find Your Home Sweet Home

Whether you’re moving temporarily or aren’t looking to buy a house just yet, Vision Realty can help you find a good house or apartment to live in. We ensure our tenants are treated properly, helping you with maintenance when you need it and keeping open communication so we can assess your needs as they arise. If you’re looking for your home sweet home in El Paso, call us today!
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